Learn about Prajna's Ayurvedic Woman Program experience.
An Ayurvedic Woman Program Testimonial
Level 3
12 Months
Level 3 is the path of the Ksatriya (the path of the warrior) and learning advanced skills based on Vedic principles that establishes a lifelong approach to living daily through a code of ethics. The path of the woman warrior is seeing what is as it is and being unbreakable, courageous, determined, compassionate and fully embracing of one’s infinity, eternity and wholeness in order to contribute to society in an advanced spiritual way. The woman warrior becomes the example in the world.
In today’s world, women play many roles – professional, mother, sister, daughter, wife, partner, care-giver and friend. These roles create expectations of women that are often unrealistic, imbalanced and can distract us from knowing who we truly are and what our purpose is.
AWP Level 3 online space is limited to 24 women. AWP Level 3 in-person space is limited to 12 women.
Level 2
15 months
Level 2 continues the inquiry with a re-framing and a leveling up of the key life questions as a path toward becoming an Acharya (spiritual teacher). Women do a deep-dive into answering:
Who Am I Becoming?
How Do I Express My Dharma?
How Do I Become Bliss?
In Level 2 Vedic principles are examined in a more profound way + through the lineage teachings of Swami Kriplau. Three retreats are part of Level 2 and Acharya Initiation is given at the second retreat. Level 2 is about taking the knowledge and stepping into the role of a spiritual teacher.
AWP Level 2 online space is limited to 24 women. AWP Level 2 in-person space is limited to 12 women.
Level 1
12 months in-person or 18 months online
Level 1 starts the process of this profound inquiry and lays the groundwork for getting comfortable with how to incorporate Vedic principles into daily life as a path toward self examination. Level 1 is about uncovering the true self beyond labels and embracing a new way of living and interacting in the world. An advanced yoga training certificate is available for those upon successful completion of the Level 1 program. All women must complete Level 1 in order to proceed to the Level 2.
AWP Level 1 online space is limited to 24 women. AWP Level 1 in-person space is limited to 12 women.
About the Program
Lovingly known as the AWP, this is a movement of women and not just a program. Women that enter the AWP are seeking profound change and to fully understand + embody life’s big questions: